I have joy in bringing two together, but darning my existence! My life hangs by a thread, filled with ups, downs and resistance!
Sewing Machine
I can be long, or I can be short. I can be grown, and I can be bought. I can be painted, or left bare. I can be round, or square. What am I?
Never ahead, ever behind, yet flying swiftly past; For a child I last forever, for adults I'm gone too fast.
I love to dance and twist and prance, I shake my tail, as away I sail, wingless I fly into the sky. What am I?
I bubble and laugh And spit water in your face. I am no lady, And I don't wear lace.
I cannot be other than what I am, Until the man who made me dies, Power and glory will fall to me finally, Only when he last closes his eyes.
I saw a man in white, he looked quite a sight. He was not old, but he stood in the cold. And when he felt the sun, he started to run. Who could he be? Please answer me.
Thirty white horses on a red hill, First they champ, Then they stamp, Then they stand still.
I stare at you, you stare at me. I have three eyes, yet can't see. Every time I blink, I give you commands. You do as you are told, with your feet and hands. What am I?
Traffic Light
Always well dressed, but I never fly. Black and white, sometimes in a tie. I swim and slide, and dance and glide, With one person by my side. What am I?
I'm named after nothing, though I'm awfully clamorous. And when I'm not working, your house is less glamorous. What am I?
Vacuum Cleaner
There's no reason to fear If you see me lurking here Even though I shouldn't exist But few might have missed That I'm not at all real Because nothing can conceal The fact that I'm something That's not at all living What am I?
Screaming, soaring seeking sky. Flowers of fire flying high, Eastern art from ancient time, Name me now and solve this rhyme.
A three-letter word I'm sure you know, I can be on a boat or a sleigh in the snow, I'm pals with the rain and honor a king, But my favorite use is attached to a string. What am I?
Deep, deep, do they go. Spreading out as they go. Never needing any air. They are sometimes as fine as hair.
Useful tool for who in darkness dwell. Within you, corrupting like a deadly spell.
A leathery snake, With a stinging bite, I'll stay coiled up, Unless I must fight.
Large as a mountain, small as a pea, Endlessly swimming in a waterless sea.
Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, Grown in the darkness, a lady's delight.
I'm not the sort that's eaten, I'm not the sort you bake, Don't put me in an oven; I don't taste that great, But when applied correctly, around me you will find, Problems are so simple when my digits come to mind.
I am a strange creature, Hovering in the air, Moving from here to there, with a brilliant flare. Some say I sing, but others say I have no voice. So I just hum - as a matter of choice. What am I?
I'm a bearer of darkness. I'm feared and often hated. I'm a symbol of the unwanted, An omen that leaves you jaded. Some people can predict my coming, But then you'll forever see Things lurking around corners... Are you sure that it was me?
Black we are and much admired, Men seek us if they are tired, We tire the horse, comfort man, Guess this riddle if you can.
My step is slow, the snow's my breath I give the ground, a grinding death My marching makes an end of me Slain by sun or drowned in sea.
If your life is cut short, I am not the one to blame. You signed up, and your death was not my aim. Enter our doors; there is so much to see, We just happen to hold the key, To adventure abound And fun to be found Step in our door And see what is in store. What am I?
Terror Tours
What has roots that nobody sees, Is taller than trees, Up, up it goes, Yet it never grows?
A natural state, I'm sought by all. Go with me and you shall fall. You do me when you spend, and you use me when you eat to no end. What am I?
My sides are firmly laced about, Yet nothing is within; You'll think my head is strange indeed, Being nothing else but skin.
Oh how I love my dancing feet! They stay together - oh so neat. And when I want to walk a line, They all stay together and do double time. I count them up, ten times or more, And race on-off, across the floor.
Within, I clean all that is bad and is old. I make juice that's the color of gold. Should I die, a filter machine would you need assembled to replace me and beans I resemble.